Lorsqu'un homme mange ,boit, jouit des resultats de son travail, c'est un Don de Dieu ....................

vendredi 28 avril 2017

Sayın adetrap.traput@blogger.com Teknik Ekipman & Endirekt Satınalma, Tedarikçi İlişkileri ve Sözleşme Yönetimi kayıtlarımız başlamıştır

Sayın  adetrap.traput@blogger.com Merhaba;

Bosphorus Yönetim Konferansları kapsamında 27 Mayıs Cumartesi günü DoubleTree By Hilton Otel Kadıköy'de gerçekleşecek "Teknik Ekipman & Endirekt Satınalma, Tedarikçi İlişkileri ve Sözleşme Yönetimi" konulu programımıza kayıtlarımız başlamıştır.

Teknik Ekipman Satınalma Süreçlerinde İleri Uygulamalardan Emsal Modeller, Satınalma 4.0 ve Endirek Satınalmanın Transformasyonu, Teknik Ekipman ve Endirekt Satınalmada Sözleşme Müzakere Yönetiminde Başarılı Uygulamalar, Modern Performans Kriterleri ve E-tedarik Otomasyonu, Endirekt Satınalmada Zorluklar ve Fırsatlar, Doğru Bütçeleme ve Maliyet Paylaşımı, Endirekt Tedarikçilerle İlişki Yönetimi ve Tedarikçi Optimizasyonu konularında sektör temsilcilerinin üst düzey yöneticileri ve paydaşlarıyla paylaşacağı bilgi ve deneyimlerinden interaktif sunumlarla gelişecek programımızda sizleri de aramızda görmekten büyük mutluluk duyacağız,

Bosphorus Conferences
90 216 422 9595


27 Mayıs Cumartesi / DoubleTree By Hilton Otel Kadıköy


- Korhan Demirci // Zirve Koordinatörü
- Oğuz Arık // Satınalma ve İdari İşler Direktörü – Biofarma İlaç
- Seyhan Gençağ // Yönetici Ortak – Control Solutions International
- Ayşe Özel //  Amgen, Endirekt Satınalma ve İdari İşler Müdürü
- Ahmet Selçük // Beymen,  Endirekt Satınalma ve İdari İşler Müdürü
- Onur Şansal // Siemens, Endirekt Malzeme Satınalma Müdürü
- Deniz Demirtaş / Yalın Enstitü


09:00 – 09:15 Açılış Konuşması: "Endirekt Satınalmanın Yükselen Değeri"

09:15 – 10:00 Satınalma 4.0 ve Endirek Satınalma
    "Endüstri 4.0 Sonrası Satınalmanın Transformasyonu. Geniş Görüş İle Silolar İçinde Kaybolan Endirekt Satınalmaların Sisteme Entegrasyonu. Endirekt Satınalmada Stratejik Yaklaşım Ve Standardizasyon."

10:00 – 10:45 Teknik Ekipman Satınalma Süreçlerinde Patikalar ve Tuzaklar
    "Ön hazırlık ve departmanlar arası görev paylaşımları. Ne istemiştim ne aldım? Ürün yaşam döngüsü içerisinde iyelik maliyeti analizi. Satış sonrası tedarikçi katılımlı ekipman yönetimi. "

10:45 – 11:00 Kahve Molası

11:00 – 11:45 Teknik Ekipman ve Endirekt Satınalmada Sözleşme Yönetimi
   "Endirekt Tedarikçiler Ve Satınalmacılar İçin Sözleşme Hukuku.  Teslimat Öncesi, Teslimat  Ve Teslimat Sonrası Bütünsel Anlaşmalar"

11:45 – 12:30 Endirekt Satınalma Modern Performans Kriterleri ve E-tedarik Otomasyonu  
    "Dijitalleşmeyle Transformasyona Uğrayan Endirekt Satınalmacı Profili. Performans Yönetimi Ve Raporlamada Modern Uygulamalar.
E-Tedarik İle Hızlanan Karar Verme Süreçleri "

12:30 – 13:45 Yemek Arası

13:45 – 14:30: Büyük Kazanımlar Küçük Şeylerden Çıkar
    "Endirekt Satınalmada Zorluklar Ve Fırsatlar. Aynı Organizasyon İçinde Farklı Lokasyonlar Arası Endirek Satınalma Tutarsızlıkları Ve Entegrasyon Kazançları. Bilimsel Stratejiler Ve Verimlilik Odaklı Teknikler "

14:30 – 15:15 Endirekt Satınalma Bütçe Yönetimi Ve Tahmin Planlama
   "Doğru Bütçeleme Ve Maliyet Paylaşımı. Takip Ve Kontrolde Dijitalleşme Ve Organizasyonel Yetki Dağılımı"

15:15 – 15:30 Kahve Molası

15:30 – 16:15 Endirekt Tedarikçilerle İlişki Yönetimi ve Tedarikçi Optimizasyonu
   "Direk vs Endirekt Tedarikçi İlişkilerinde Temel Farklar ve Benzerlikler. Endirekt Tedarikci Score Kartları ve Performans Yönetimi. '3 Teklif Al Yeter' Artık Gerçekten Yeter Mi? "

16:15 – 17:00 Baştan Sona Yatırım Satınalması Yönetim Teknikleri
   "Başarılı Yatırım Satınalması Uygulamaları, Olmazsa Olmazlar ve Pahalıya Patlayan Hatalar"

17:00 – 17:15 Kapanış Konuşması ve Genel Değerlendirme

Bu etkinlik duyurusu tarafınıza adetrap.traput@blogger.com adresi ile üye veritabanımızda yer aldığınız için gönderilmiştir.
16:06:02 27.4.2017 tarihinde davet bilgisi amacıyla gönderilmiş etkinlik bültenimizi gelecekte almak istemiyor ya da farklı bir kanala yönlendirilmesini istiyorsanız lütfen maille bildiriniz.

jeudi 27 avril 2017

Enisa Crecimiento (hasta 7 años de carencia)

Línea Directa Innovación

Enisa Crecimiento

Fondos para pymes
del Ministerio de Economía

Saber más

• Para mejoras competitivas o expansión mediante ampliación de la capacidad productiva, avances tecnológicos, aumento de gama de productos/servicios, diversificación de mercados…

• Entre 25.000 y 1,5M de euros.

• Hasta 9 años con 7 de carencia.

Quiero saber más

Si lo prefieres puedes llamarnos al
981 90 49 49
(de lunes a viernes de 9 a 16 horas)

This is your opportunity to get a 20 bagger in the market very fast

One of my closest buddies, who happens to be a banker, let me in on a little tip earlier on.

There's this really awesome small bio technology firm which has discovered something ground breaking,

and because of this unprecedented discovery they're about to be bought out for a little over 20 times their current value.

One of the most prominent large firms in America is about to make this news public.

When that happens, the small company's stock is going to virtually go up more than twenty three fold overnight.

Let me put this in perspective for you. It means that every 10 thousand bucks you put in this will turn into almost a quarter million when the news is out.

This guy has always been right so far. In fact if you remember, the tip I gave you last year� the one on which you made 15x in 2 weeks was from him. Yes, that's right.

So before I forget, here is the stock symbol.. It's the 1st letter of each of the following words: Quickly Super Mouse Green

I'm giving it to you in �code� in order to avoid potentially prying eyes, in case you are at the office, a cafe or something.

So with the first letter of each of these words, you've got your four letter symbol.

Input this in your online account to buy the stock or call your broker and give it to him and he will make the purchase for you.

One last thing, I don't know if I am the only one who knows this information so it's possible that the price will go up on other people buying,

but nonetheless if you can get in at under a buck twenty, I really recommend you jump on it as soon as physically possible.

Best Wishes,
Giovanni Scott

Your chance to make an amazing move is quickly slipping away

There is reason for excitement. A good friend of mine who works at a high place which I will not name told me about a crazy opportunity...

There is an acquisition about to be completed by a very large company.

They're buying out a small medical firm at more than 20 times what it's currently trading at.

This means that every ten thousand bucks you put in will turn into two hundred grand the moment the announcement becomes public.

The symbol for this company is the first letter of each of the following words: Quick, Should, Must, Get.

These 4 letters are what you must type in to your brokerage account or tell your broker in order to get the shares.

I really, really recommend you move on it quickly because the announcement will become public at any day now and this may be your last chance to get in before it's too late.

Best Wishes,
Rhoda Powers

mercredi 26 avril 2017

Your chance to make an amazing move is quickly slipping away

There is reason for excitement. A good friend of mine who works at a high place which I will not name told me about a crazy opportunity...

There is an acquisition about to be completed by a very large company.

They're buying out a small medical firm at more than 20 times what it's currently trading at.

This means that every ten thousand bucks you put in will turn into two hundred grand the moment the announcement becomes public.

The symbol for this company is the first letter of each of the following words: Quick, Should, Must, Get.

These 4 letters are what you must type in to your brokerage account or tell your broker in order to get the shares.

I really, really recommend you move on it quickly because the announcement will become public at any day now and this may be your last chance to get in before it's too late.

Best Wishes,
Maynard Lindsay


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Bu e-posta <adetrap.traput@blogger.com> adresine iletilmiştir.
Eger kurumsal kullanici iseniz onceden sizden izin alinmissa 6563 nolu kanunun 6. maddesinin 1.fikrasina gore, eger izin alinmadi ise 6563 nolu kanunun 6. maddesinin 2. fikrasindaki "Esnaf ve Tacirlere onceden onay alinmaksizin ticari elektronik iletiler gonderilebilir." tanimina dayanarak gonderilmistir.
"Ticari iletisim ve Ticari Elektronik iletiler Yonetmeligi" kapsaminda gonderilmistir.

Tanitim e-postasi almak istemiyorsaniz linki tiklayin.
E-mail almak istemiyorum

This company's being acquired tomorrow

Its share price is going through the stratosphere.

The cat might be out of the bag now but there is still a massive opportunity to benefit.

I say that the secret is out because the stock price has gone up two days in a row but the reality is that it must be very few people who know information otherwise it would've gone ten times higher.

In case you missed my message yesterday, here is what is happening.. A big pharma corp is acquiring a minuscule public co and this is happening at a price that is 20 times greater than where it currently is.

This means that if you can put 10 thousand in right now, you will take out 200 grand by Thursday morning.

This info is solid. It comes from an attorney who's a long time friend of mine and who literally saw the acquisition documents with his own eyes.

You must be wondering what the company's trading symbol is, and I will not tease you any longer� it's Q like in Quality, S like in Straight, M like Mary and G like Gold

These four letters together make up the company's ticker and that's what you will need to give to your broker, or type into your online account to purchase the stock.

I highly recommend you do this as quickly as possible because there is no guarantee that the price will remain this low much longer.

I expect it'll continue to rise and rise as the insider information spreads. Nonetheless the potential to benefit is absolutely gigantic here.

Best Regards,
Noble Salinas

mardi 25 avril 2017

By tomorrow evening this stock will be twenty times higher

Did you read my urgent email yesterday?

I outlined very specifically a game plan for you to make more than 20 times on your principle within the next 48 hours.

Let me hit you with the gravy and leave out all the boring details� there's a friend of mine who works at a top 50 firm upstate and he was privy to details of a take over.

In a nutshell there is a very large pharmaceutical company (its name starts with a P) who is finalizing the acquisition of a small public corporation that is currently trading at around 80 cents.

The take over price will be a little over 20 bucks and the official announcement is coming tomorrow night (wed night).

They're paying this much for it because of a novel stem cell treatment which eradicates cancer.

I don't need to tell you what will happen to the share price when this announcement hits the news outlets.

The company's trading symbol is Q as in Quest, S as in Sam, M as in Mother, G as in Great.

These are the 4 letters you need to type into your brokerage account to buy the stock or give to your broker over the phone.

Just ten thousand bucks into this will turn into over two hundred grand by Thursday morning.

You need to act quickly though because it seems I may not be the only one with this information, as I am seeing the price creep up a little already since Monday.

Best Regards,
Dalton Baldwin

By tomorrow evening this stock will be twenty times higher

Did you read my urgent email yesterday?

I outlined very specifically a game plan for you to make more than 20 times on your principle within the next 48 hours.

Let me hit you with the gravy and leave out all the boring details� there's a friend of mine who works at a top 50 firm upstate and he was privy to details of a take over.

In a nutshell there is a very large pharmaceutical company (its name starts with a P) who is finalizing the acquisition of a small public corporation that is currently trading at around 80 cents.

The take over price will be a little over 20 bucks and the official announcement is coming tomorrow night (wed night).

They're paying this much for it because of a novel stem cell treatment which eradicates cancer.

I don't need to tell you what will happen to the share price when this announcement hits the news outlets.

The company's trading symbol is Q as in Quest, S as in Sam, M as in Mother, G as in Great.

These are the 4 letters you need to type into your brokerage account to buy the stock or give to your broker over the phone.

Just ten thousand bucks into this will turn into over two hundred grand by Thursday morning.

You need to act quickly though because it seems I may not be the only one with this information, as I am seeing the price creep up a little already since Monday.

Best Regards,
Theodore Carroll

lundi 24 avril 2017

This time sensitive information could make you very wealthy

If you missed my heads up over this last week and a half, this is finally your time to act because in just 48 hours something big is going to happen.

This is probably the last time that I will contact you with this information.

My friend at goldman gave me a call over the weekend and told me that the big acquisition we�ve been waiting for is going to occur on Wednesday. The day after tomorrow.

Pfizer is going to complete the purchase of QSMG (a small, public company) at a price of 23.79 dollars a share. For those of you doing the math out there, that's approximately 30 times higher than where the stock is at now.

If you're wondering why it's happening at such a high price, that�s because these guys just completed human trials on a cancer drug which has proved to be effective in around 40% of cases, and big pharma wants this for itself.

I suspect that I am not the only one who might have heard of this news so the stock may start climbing today and tomorrow before the big announcement becomes public on Wednesday evening.

This is quite literally the chance of a lifetime. If you miss out, you'll probably never be able to make 30x on your money so fast again.

Ten grand into QSMG today will turn into a quarter million bucks by Thursday.

King Regards,
Concetta Stafford

This time sensitive information could make you very wealthy

If you missed my heads up over this last week and a half, this is finally your time to act because in just 48 hours something big is going to happen.

This is probably the last time that I will contact you with this information.

My friend at goldman gave me a call over the weekend and told me that the big acquisition we�ve been waiting for is going to occur on Wednesday. The day after tomorrow.

Pfizer is going to complete the purchase of QSMG (a small, public company) at a price of 23.79 dollars a share. For those of you doing the math out there, that's approximately 30 times higher than where the stock is at now.

If you're wondering why it's happening at such a high price, that�s because these guys just completed human trials on a cancer drug which has proved to be effective in around 40% of cases, and big pharma wants this for itself.

I suspect that I am not the only one who might have heard of this news so the stock may start climbing today and tomorrow before the big announcement becomes public on Wednesday evening.

This is quite literally the chance of a lifetime. If you miss out, you'll probably never be able to make 30x on your money so fast again.

Ten grand into QSMG today will turn into a quarter million bucks by Thursday.

King Regards,
Sheena Bridges

vendredi 21 avril 2017

Fondos para Pymes del Ministerio de Economía

Líneas ICO 2017

1. Empresas y emprendedores

Orientado a empresas y autónomos que realicen un proyecto en territorio nacional o necesiten liquidez.

Hasta un máximo de 12.5 millones por empresa.

Me interesa

2. Comercial

Liquidez mediante el anticipo de facturas procedentes de actividad dentro del territorio nacional.

Hasta 12,5 millones de saldo vivo por empresa.

Me interesa

3. Innovación Fondo Tecnológico

Para la adquisición de maquinaria de producción nueva o de segunda mano.

Hasta 1,5 millones en una o varias operaciones.

Me interesa

4. SGR / Saeca

Para proyectos en España o fuera del territorio nacional o para cubrir necesidades de liquidez.

Necesario el aval de una SGR o Saeca.

Me interesa

5. Internacional

Para empresas españolas o mixtas con capital español.

Para liquidez, vehículos turismo, exportación, importación...

Me interesa

6. Exportadores

Liquidez con el anticipo del importe de facturas procedentes de actividad exportadora.

Hasta 12.5 millones de saldo vivo por empresa y año.

Me interesa

Somos expertos en gestionar ICOs.
Podemos conseguir el tuyo.

Quiero saber más

Si lo prefieres puedes llamarnos al
981 90 49 49
(de lunes a viernes de 9 a 16 horas)



You got me very interested. I would really like to know you closer!
I want to communicate with you and learn about your interests, hobbies.
I hope for mutual understanding and possible reciprocity.

Actually, I would like to meet and talk with an interesting and nice man!


jeudi 20 avril 2017

What's up

What's up, Big Boy?

My name is Violette, what's yours? I can not wait to meet you in private.
I was going to have a nice talk with you in chat but you had gone offline.

May I ask you to write me a few words some day? Trust me, it's going to be lots of fun.
I'll be waiting for your letter...

Do not respond to this message, reply to address vialekseeva1977@rambler.ru

Love and kisses,

Fondos Fei

FEI, fondos europeos para pymes

Línea FEI - Iniciativa Pymes
con fondos europeos:
FEDER, Horizonte 2020, FEI y BEI.

  • Para Pymes y autónomos constituidos y que operen en España.
  • Importe máximo: 12,5 millones por Pyme.
  • Al tratarse de líneas con garantía del FEI cuentan con condiciones preferentes.
Quiero saber más sobre FEI

Somos tu oportunidad de acceder a fondos europeos.

Contáctanos de 9 a 16 horas
en el 981 90 49 49

o te contactamos nosotros

Déjanos tus datos

Sobre nosotros

Somos un socio estratégico para tu empresa. Atendemos a empresas y autónomos de toda España.

Servicios genéricos

Plan económico
Arbitraje financiero
Factoring sin recurso
Tramitación de avales

Otros servicios

Fiscal laboral y contable
Hacienda y S.S.
Análisis de clientes

2 Günde 3000 Kelime ile Akıcı İngilizce Programı- (Türkiye'de Tek)


"2 Günde 3000 Kelime ile Akıcı İngilizce" Programlarımız nasıl gerçekleşiyor?
"2 Günde 3000 Kelime ile Akıcılık" programımız belli hafta sonları George's Academy Kadıköy Şubemizde 10:00-18:00 saatleri arasında devam eden  ilk saatten itibaren öğrenciyi konuşturmaya başaran Kurucumuz ve baş öğretmenimiz George hocamızın 30 yıllık deneyimi sonucu geliştirdiği, sadece Akademimizde uygulanan özel tekniklerle gerçekleşen, hem kurumsal firmalar hem de bireyler için uyguladığımız çok dinamik, bir o kadar keyifli ve öğrencilerimizin sonuçlarından çok memnun olduğu ayrıcalıklı bir programdır:
*2 Günde öğrenci bu programda neler kazanıyor?
*Kelime Hazinesi
*Cümle yapılarını ezber yapmadan öğrenme fırsatı
*Konuşarak dili çözme fırsatı
*İngilizce konuşma korkunuzu yenme imkanı
İlk program tarihi: 8-9 Nisan 2017
2. program: 6-7 Mayıs
3. program: 27-28 Mayıs

Lokasyon: Kadıköy Şube

Hemen Başvur:


Kinestetik eğitim metodunu ön planda tutan yoğunlaştırılmış programımız, her seviyenin katılımına açıktır.

Mr. George tarafından verilen dersler, 3000 kelimelik bir havuz içerisinde İngilizceyi etkin şekilde kullanmanızı sağlayacak. Aynı zamanda temel İngilizce eğitimini de içeren bu program ile defter kitaba gerek kalmadan İngilizceyi konuşarak öğreneceksiniz.

Bilinçaltı Kurgulama

Kendi anadilimizi (2-8 yaş) öğrendiğimiz bilinçaltı yöntemidir. Manalardan ziyade tekrarlara dayalı (Okuma yazma olmadan) öğrenme metodudur.

Metaforlarla Öğrenme

İnsan zekası bütüncüldür. Kelimeler tek tek öğrenildiğinde suya atılan taşlar gibi yok olur. Ancak o kelimeler bir balon içine konulup suya atılırsa batmaz. O balon metafordur.

NLP İngilizce

Görsel ve işitsel (Audio-Visual) yeterli bir öğretim tekniği değildir. Tüm eğitim kurumları bu sistemle eğitim vermektedir. Kinestetik öğrenme süreci ise alışılmş ezbere eğitim sistemine meydan okuyan kalıcı bir öğrenme süreci sunmaktadır.


• Dilbilimci, Eğitim Psikolojisi-Ölçme Değerlendirme Uzmanı, Davranış Bilimci
• İncirlik Üssü Lokasyonunda doğmuş iki dilli bir ailenin ç
ocuğudur (İngilizce, Türkçe)
• Kuleli Askeri Lisesi’ni bitirmiş, Askeri Harp Okulu’nda eğitimine 4 yıl devam etmiştir.
• İngilizce Öğretmenliği Diplomasına sahiptir.
• Pedagojik Formasyona sahiptir.
• Hummingbird Effects NLP Training eğitimini almıştır.

• 30 yıllık bir Eğitim-öğretim tecrübesine sahiptir.

• Tecrübeli bir eğitmen, büyüleyici bir konuşmacı, eşsiz bir yaşam koçu, muhteşem bir yüzücü ve voleybol hakemi'dir.


En çok tercih edilen eğitimleri:

• Zekamız Nasıl Çalışır
• Metaprogramlar
• Zihin Okuma
• Göz Hareketleri
• George’un Varsayımları
• Zaman Konsepti
• Sıfatsız Yaşama Sanatı
• Hipnoz 

İnsan Kaynakları Başlıklı Eğitimleri:

• Çağdaş IK Yaklaşımları
• Günümüz IK'sının Görünmeyen Sırları
• İnsan Zekası ve IK
• Employee Empowerment
• Zaman Algısının IK'ya Etkisi
• İş, Sen ve IK
• IK'da NLP Varsayımlarının Önemi
• Sibernetik IK

Bilgi için;  02122121505 (Mecidiyeköy Şube)

          02163306726 (Kadıköy Şube)

Bu e-posta <adetrap.traput@blogger.com> adresine iletilmiştir.

Eger kurumsal kullanici iseniz onceden sizden izin alinmissa 6563 nolu kanunun 6. maddesinin 1.fikrasina gore, eger izin alinmadi ise 6563 nolu kanunun 6. maddesinin 2. fikrasindaki "Esnaf ve Tacirlere onceden onay alinmaksizin ticari elektronik iletiler gonderilebilir." tanimina dayanarak gonderilmistir.
"Ticari iletisim ve Ticari Elektronik iletiler Yonetmeligi" kapsaminda gonderilmistir.

Tanitim e-postasi almak istemiyorsaniz linki tiklayin. E-mail almak istemiyorum


Hey there, how are you doing?
My name is Darina, and what�s yours?
Hope this letter finds you in a good mood, because I would like to talk to you about something important.
I have some interesting information to share with you, and I�m sure you�ll like it when you hear it.
Please, don�t waste time and write me as soon as possible.
My email krbaranova1976@rambler.ru

Sincerely yours,

mercredi 19 avril 2017


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