Lorsqu'un homme mange ,boit, jouit des resultats de son travail, c'est un Don de Dieu ....................

mercredi 12 janvier 2022

Follow Up - Cosmetic Industry Contacts


Hope you are safe and well.

I haven't heard from you since my initial email.

I really do not mean to be a bother, If you are not interested or if there is anyone else that I should be speaking with, do let me know.

Awaiting your response.






Kindly review my email and share your thoughts. If you feel that the suggested contact database is not relevant to your business, feel free to share your target market.


We are happy to customize our data to meet your requirements.           


Awaiting your response.







I am sending a quick mail to see if you are in need of Cosmetic Industry Contacts.


Let me know your preferred Target Job Title ____ so that I can get back to you with the counts and pricing.


Awaiting your response.



Nicole Mcclure

Sr. Marketing Manager


If not interested reply with opt out in subject line.


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