Lorsqu'un homme mange ,boit, jouit des resultats de son travail, c'est un Don de Dieu ....................

mercredi 18 janvier 2023


My Dear Friend
My name is Mrs. Girdaladze Krummenacher,
Am from Liechtenstein but i lived in Western America for many years
and now currently hospitalized in a private hospital as a result of
Throat cancer.
My purpose of writing to you is because I was led by the spirit of God
to offer you the money that Me and My late husband, I have private
I'm 69-year-old woman, it's an issue close incredibly to my heart as
I'm one of those people divorced, single and childless. My husband and
I were together for many years but were unable to have children.
I'm offering you the sum of money as a donation for the work of God
and charity and to take care of orphans and help the less privileged.
May the good Lord bless you and your family, When I hear from you, I
will direct you on how to receive the money.
Please pray for me and God bless you.
Mrs.Girdaladze Krummenacher

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